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Charlotte Rose's quiet life on a remote island is forever altered on the day Michael Cordero, injured and bleeding, steers his forty-foot ketch into Eagle Cove. Using skills she's learned over years of caring for her husband and son, who are away fishing for salmon, Charlotte tends to Michael's wounds. As Michael recovers, an undeniable attraction grows between them. When a violent storm descends on the island, they risk everything to save Michael's ketch, Shearwater, and their exhaustion reveals long-buried secrets. Set against the Pacific Northwest's lush beauty, Shearwater Storm is a story of passion, adventure and romance.



Praise for Shearwater Storm



"Wounded by the past, and reluctant to open their hearts again, two souls grapple with love and loss in Arthur Winer's debut novel, Shearwater Storm. Set against the incomparable beauty of the Pacific Northwest, a raging storm on a remote island mirrors palpable inner storms the characters face as they make life-altering decisions. Fans of well-crafted love stories will devour this haunting, heart-wrenching, and ultimately hopeful read."

       Ashley E. Sweeney, Award-winning author of Eliza Waite


"Shearwater Storm is a love story, the love of a woman for a stunning, remote island where she can mend her broken heart, and for the steady life she has created with her husband and son. The unexpected appearance of a handsome, injured sailor awakens a lost part of herself, and as she struggles with her attraction to him, the reader is swept along on her journey to find herself. The landscape of the Pacific Northwest is tenderly rendered, as is Winer's love and respect for the sea. An engrossing read that I thoroughly enjoyed."

       Susan Cole, Award-winning author of Holding Fast: A Memoir of Sailing, Love and Loss


"Arthur Winer's Shearwater Storm is a lyrical story of two wounded hearts drawn to each other on a remote island off the coast of Washington state. Winer conveys the setting, as well as intricate details about island life and sailing, with expert knowledge that transports the reader and mesmerizes the senses. A heartfelt, must-read story about love, healing, and the adventure of finding your bliss."

       Jan Moran, USA Today Bestselling Author of Seabreeze Inn


"Shearwater Storm is a tale of self-discovery and love, an ode to the lush scenery of the Pacific Northwest while illustrating how we must at some point in our lives face the choices we've made in response to the inevitable sorrows of life."

       Alicia Elkort, author of A Map of Every Undoing


Shearwater Storm expertly weaves a  poignant, old-fashioned story of love that begins on the wonderous and wild island where Charlotte is living the quiet and uneventful life of a wife and mom until the week her husband and son depart for a long fishing trip and the beautiful sailboat Shearwater delivers the handsome and mysterious Michael into Charlotte's life. Charlotte's carefully crafted equanimity is shattered and replaced with a once in a lifetime passion. As the storm appears and gathers strength, the romance intensifies with every turn of page, until the surprising and satisfying ending. 

       JJ Flowers, author of Juan Pablo and the Butterflies, a Westchester Fiction Award winner.


"Shearwater Storm takes us to a remote island in the Pacific Northwest, where we meet a man wounded by an accident on his sailboat, Shearwater, and a woman alone while her husband and son are away. Unsettling circumstances bring these two together in Winer's riveting prose, when they are forced within a few days of meeting each other to reconcile their World War II experiences, mirrored in the desires of their present turmoil. Shearwater Storm is a multi-layered account of a hurricane force storm, and a storm within the heart, of making choices that might not be the right ones. Winer, an experienced nautical sailor, takes us on this remarkable journey to that deeper question. Once I started this novel, I could not put it down."

       Kip Robinson Greenthal, author of Shoal Water, winner of Landmark Prize for Fiction and a            

        Silver Medal Nautilus Book Award