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Other Writings by Arthur Winer

In the course of a forty year career as a research scientist, Arthur Winer has published one hundred and ninety peer-reviewed journal articles on a wide range of topics in atmospheric chemistry, air pollution exposure assessment, and environmental justice. His research articles have appeared in numerous scientific journals and during his career he was one of the most highly-cited environmental researchers in the world. In addition to his research contributions, he has worked at state and national levels to promote legislation and public policies designed to address key air pollution, environmental-justice, and public-health concerns.


Separately, he has also published short stories and articles in venues ranging from Highlights for Children to various sailing magazines. He has written two novels, Shearwater Storm, his first published novel and Madrona Island, which attracted representation from a New York literary agent and will be forthcoming at a later date.



Recently, he published an article on how to mitigate exposure to wildfire smoke for the residents of the San Juan Islands where he and his wife live on Orcas Island.

